Happy Mother’s Day

pulled corned beef, shredded lettuce, onions,
honey mustard, swiss cheese on ciabatta rolls
Happy Mother’s Day

It is said that home is where the heart is. If that is true, then my home is truly Washington, DC. Most of my love is there. The old neighborhood, the brown stoned lined streets, that loud neighbor that you can hear from a block over. My heart lies in the streets of DC, in the home of my mother, and with those that I call family.

When my mom first told me that one of her favorite foods to eat was corned beef, my first thought was, “What is that?” I could not recall eating corned beef at ANY period in my life. I had no idea what it looked like. How it tasted, or smelled. Or what was the texture? I had a lot to learn pretty quickly if I was to prepare it.

Initially, I can across a picture of corned beef in a can which reminded me of spam.  Truthfully, I was scared. I did not want to prepare a canned meal and disguise it as a tribute to my mom. I wanted to cook something, chop up vegetables, and have my place smell like home. The purpose is to share with my mother something that I am proud of. Something that I can make for her and share with all of you. More research was definitely in order. And after talking to my mom again about corned beef, I had a better ideas of what the dish should look and taste like.

We are slow cooking some corned beef.
SN: The great thing about a slow cooked meal is you can nap, clean the home and then nap again.

Corned beef recipe:
1package of corned beef brisket with spice package

24 ounce beer (which ever kind your heart desires)

2 bay leaves

¼ cup of peppercorns
2- 4 cloves of garlic (depends on how much you like garlic)

½ cup brown sugar

1.       Rub ½ cup of brown sugar on the non-fat side of the corned beef brisket.
2.       Place the brisket into the slow cooker, sprinkle in the seasoning packet. Pour in the beer, 24 ounces should be enough to cover the brisket. If not, you can add a bit water to make sure that the brisket is fully covered. Add the bay leaves, peppercorn and garlic cloves.  Slow cook for 7 hours. Not all slow cookers have the same settings, this time may need to be adjusted.
3.       Remove meat from the slow cooker, allow meat to rest for 10 minutes before slicing or shredding.

Enjoy! And Happy Mother’s Day to you all.

Follow me on twitter @sheenarhae


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