
Showing posts from May, 2013

Keep your pets out of the pot

Rabbit leg over rice with sweet carrots.   I love rabbits!   As a child I had three of them, and they all died very unfortunate deaths. The one rabbit I remember most was Petey; he kind of resembled the dog from the Little Rascals. Hence the name. Petey was so cute; he had a black patch around his eye and ate everything, even cake.   But that is neither here nor there. One evening, my nephew decided to give Petey a bath. It was so innocent of him, but that was the last time Petey was ever seen alive. And, although this is a food blog, I feel compelled to tell the story of how my beloved rabbit passed. That bath was more like a deep cleaning. Petey was bathe in Comet cleaner, bleach, toothpaste, and bath soap. Pretty much anything that could be found in the bathroom. And the look on his face when he got caught was so priceless. I wish I had a picture to share. That was Sept. 12, 1996. The next morning I woke up to find out that Tupac Shakur had passed. And my world was dev

Oxtail Stew

Oxtails are interesting for a few reasons. The most obvious reason is that it's literally OX tail. This is a meat that can be prepared so many ways, and the longer it cooks, the more tender and flavor filled the meat becomes. Although I've had oxtails before, it was not until recent years, that I knew what an oxtail looked like. My mother is partly to blame for this. She is the type of woman that likes her food fresh. So fresh that if an Ox could be found within 5 miles of D.C., she would lace up her boots, put on some fatigues and go hunting.  With that being said, we ate everything as kids from deer to rabbit and scrapple to souse meat. For those that do not know, souse meat is usually pig ears, feet and head.  For this reason alone, I do not consider myself a picky eater. However you cannot ask me to try monkey brains and expect me to place a handkerchief in my lap. It takes some deception and creativity to get me to eat certain foods. And boy, was I deceived the f

Happy Mother’s Day

 pulled corned beef, shredded lettuce, onions, honey mustard, swiss cheese on ciabatta rolls Happy Mother’s Day It is said that home is where the heart is. If that is true, then my home is truly Washington, DC. Most of my love is there. The old neighborhood, the brown stoned lined streets, that loud neighbor that you can hear from a block over. My heart lies in the streets of DC, in the home of my mother, and with those that I call family. When my mom first told me that one of her favorite foods to eat was corned beef, my first thought was, “What is that?” I could not recall eating corned beef at ANY period in my life. I had no idea what it looked like. How it tasted, or smelled. Or what was the texture? I had a lot to learn pretty quickly if I was to prepare it. Initially, I can across a picture of corned beef in a can which reminded me of spam.  Truthfully, I was scared. I did not want to prepare a canned meal and disguise it as a tribute to my mom. I wanted to c

Simply delicious

Simply delicious     The month of May holds a very special day to my heart: Mother’s day. And, since my mom is over 600 miles away, I have to be very creative in showing my love for her. That is why I have decided to cook all of my mom’s favorite foods this month. There was once a time when my mom banned me from the kitchen completely. It happened right after I burnt some breakfast bacon. Her very words were, “How the hell you burn bacon in the oven? This is the easiest way to make it. All I asked you to do was watch it, and you can’t even do that.” I share this with you because it’s funny. However, at the time it was not. But that is my mom, all wrapped in a hard outer shell, and overcome with emotion by the thoughtfulness of a Mother’s day card. We usually share greeting cards throughout the year and what I know most about my mom is that she is a woman who enjoys life simplicities. She finds happiness in speaking to me each day and our nightly prayers. She lov