
Showing posts from 2014

Amongst Women, Dinner Party

Amongst Women, Dinner Party Last weekend I had the pleasure of spending my time with 2 beautiful ladies and a dog. Yes, a dog was invited to this dinner party, but could only sit and enjoy the view from the balcony overlooking the parking lot. We anticipated a few more ladies, but for the first dinner party gathering, this was lovely. A quaint setting in which no one competed for the attention of the group. Our time was equally shared with one another. However, Cookie, the dog often disobeyed the commands of stay and sit as she inched closer and closer to the welcoming scent of lemon and brown sugar. As we entered the home of our gracious host, we were greeted with scented oils and appetizers, potato cakes with aioli. Our host is very well known for her extravagance, she is the Marilyn Monroe of our group as she often dawns the best high heels, trench coats, and beautiful dresses. However, this woman is a professional with the cookware. Her food will cause you to spend hours

New Year Resolutions?

Lemon Thyme Grilled Chicken Lemon Thyme chicken with red peppers, onions and spinach. Served over mashed potatoes and gravy. Photo taken by Chad Morgan. It’s a new year! And we all have made those resolutions to get healthy, eat better, workout and some more stuff. This year I vowed to give up pork, and Lord knows I LOVE bacon and pork chops. However, I do find some comfort in knowing that I’ll never eat chitterlings and pig feet. Fourteen days in, and I’m still going strong. It’s the little things that bring the most joy. With that being said, this weekend I decided to challenge myself by keeping track of everything that I ate and drank. It started off well. For breakfast, oatmeal with brown sugar and blue berries served with turkey bacon. Next, sixteen ounces of water followed by an 8 ounce fruit smoothie. But then, the cravings kicked in. When I searched my refrigerator, for items to snack on, I saw cookie dough, spinach leaves and more blue berries. It was then